Central Community Preschool is an early education program in which learning through play is the heart of the curriculum. The program offers high quality early childhood curriculums addressing physical, social, emotional, and cognitive abilities that are inclusive of diverse learners. The goal is to help each student develope the necessary skills and concepts which will place him or her onto a positive path in education and in life. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, social awareness, respect for others, kindness, joy of giving, self esteem, intellectual curiosity, problem solving, self-help, motor, and communicatons skills. In accordance with this philosiphy, the preschool admits students of any race, color, religion, nationality, or ethnicity to all rights, privleges, programs, and activities available to any student at the school. In addition, children of all religions and cultures are not only welcomed, but encouraged, to share their unique backgrounds and experiences with their peers and teachers.
"Your child is unique. Each child's learning and growth rates differ from other children the same age."